The strategy stage of a project is often overlooked or completely ignored. Creative agencies often ignore this phase and dive straight into producing creative concepts or visuals.

The strategy stage of a project is often overlooked or completely ignored. Creative agencies often ignore this phase and dive straight into producing creative concepts or visuals.

At Perro we like to focus on strategy because we believe it ensures that our work delivers more value, and most importantly a greater return on investment for our clients.

Brand development, advertising campaigns or digital marketing projects will not be as effective without some time and thought being invested in strategy.

Around this time of year we spend a lot of time working strategically with clients and planning activity for the new year ahead. Our Marketing Strategy Workshop was created to enable sme’s to engage in strategic thinking at an affordable price.

The Workshop is perfect for decision makers who are concerned about the overall effectiveness of their marketing, reviewing current activity, or planning some major marketing activity in the near future.

The strategy stage of a project is often overlooked or completely ignored. Creative agencies often ignore this phase and dive straight into producing creative concepts or visuals.