In 2019, we created the brand identity, website and jar labels to help launch the brand. To support their exciting growth and enhance their overall retail presence, we have now been asked to create three jar, four jar and 12 jar multi-pack packaging.
Perfect for gift purchases in leisure and tourism outlets, the four-pack ‘Tower’ holds four smaller midi jars. Imagery of the iconic Northumberland landmark, Dunstanburgh Castle is used throughout the packaging design.

The 12 jar tray features a historical map of the old Northumbrian country.
Using local landmarks throughout the new packaging celebrates how both locals and visitors are proud of the Northumbrian region and reinforces the recent significant shift to ‘buy local’.
The existing brand identity of subtle upmarket typography, handwritten text and the unique Northumbrian crest is consistently and coherently applied to the new packaging design.
To sample any of Northumbrian Pantry’s fantastic products, head over to their online Pantry.